On March 14, the ACLU of Delaware, in partnership with Reed Smith LLP, filed an amicus brief calling for the reversal of the Delaware Superior Court decision to consider out-of-state records in deciding expungement elgibility in Delaware. This deicison will not only negatively impact the state’s ability to determine an individual's eligibility, but will also create unnecessary barriers to the Clean Slate automatic record clearance process set to start in August 2024. 

Delaware’s expungement process is already time-consuming, costly, and difficult to navigate. This disappointing decision makes a true second chance all the more inaccessible for many currently eligible individuals.

ACLU-DE and the Clean Slate Delaware Campaign are proud to support Delawareans who are eager to start their lives anew and contribute to our vibrant communities with dignity, respect, and access to the resources and opportunities for success. We are committed to taking steps to address the complications created by the court’s decision, and ensure everyone gets the second chance they deserve. 

Download the full amicus brief

Interested in getting involved in the fight for second chances? Join our Clean Slate Delaware Lobby Day on Tuesday, April 4, and visit cleanslatede.org to learn more.