The fundamental constitutional protections of due process and equal protection embodied in our Constitution and Bill of Rights apply to every person, regardless of immigration status.

Yet we know that immigration status has an enormous impact on the way many people in our community are treated, as well as the opportunities and systems they can and cannot access. From employment to housing to education, there are numerous obstacles that are unfairly levied against immigrants both in our state and the nation at large. Discrimination on the basis of immigration status threatens the civil rights of some of our most vulnerable members of society, and we will not tolerate it.

At the ACLU of Delaware, we are working to enforce and expand protections for immigrant communities in Delaware and ensure that everyone's rights are respected, regardless of status, language, or country of origin. Our work includes fighting to increase legal protections for workers, conducting more education and outreach around civic-engagement for non-English speakers, and building strong coalitions in the state for community members to stand together against the barriers of xenophobia.

*Data from the American Immigration Council

Legislative Priorities

A.Legislative Priorities



During the 2025 legislative session, we are advocating for the Delaware General Assembly to pass legislation to: 

  1. Prohibit the arrest of people at sensitive places such as courthouses, schools, hospitals, places of worship, etc. without a valid judicial warrant or court order to protect immigrant families.  
  2. Expand state-based assistance programs to cover undocumented and other immigrants for critical services such as medical care and food assistance, so that all members of our community can live with dignity. 


Know Your Rights

A.Know Your Rights



When you know what the law says, you can better protect yourself and your community. In Delaware and other parts of the United States, you have rights and legal protections even if you are not a U.S. citizen. Regardless of your immigration status or documentation, you’re entitled to fair and equal treatment under the law. 

Our Know Your Rights work will help you learn more about what your rights are, how to exercise them, and what to do when your rights are violated. 

View KYR pages


You can work alongside us and your fellow Delawareans to make sure our civil liberties are protected. Please use this form to request materials for your community outreach work if you reside or work in Delaware

Request KYR materials


Interested in hosting a Know Your Rights training? Our Know Your Rights trainings provide valuable information to help you understand and protect your rights in various situations, such as interactions with ICE and law enforcement, protests, and more.

Request a KYR training

VOTAMOS, We Vote Coalition

A.VOTAMOS, We Vote Coalition


The Coalition

With growing immigrant communities, the need for effective and collaborative advocacy on issues ranging from access to healthcare, law enforcement, and access to government services has increased exponentially. Under the backdrop of a historic presidential election and the global pandemic, advocacy groups across Delaware formed the Votamos We Vote coalition to engage Latine voters in the First State and build their political power.

Learn More

Entre Nosotr@s Radio Program

ENTRE NOSOTR@S is the radio voice of the Delaware Hispanic population featuring the Spanish-speaking immigrant community. ENTRE NOSOTR@S's call to action is to be the rare medium in which the Delaware Spanish-speaking immigrant community can speak authentically so the social, economic, and political context that creates "undocumentation" can be named.

View Recordings

Listen on Spotify




Urge Gov. Meyer to Protect Delawareans' Civil Liberties

Governor Meyer has already demonstrated strong leadership when it comes to pushing back against policies that endanger immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, those seeking reproductive healthcare, and students.  

We need you to send a message to Governor Meyer thanking him for his commitments thus far and urging him to immediately issue an Executive Order refusing to cooperate with any action by the federal government’s that could deny Delawareans their constitutional rights.  

Send a message