"Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - First Amendment to the United States Constitution

It is no coincidence that freedom of speech is the first freedom mentioned in the First Amendment. Freedom of inquiry and free expression are the hallmarks of a democratic society and an informed citizenry. But historically, at times of national stress and threats to democracy — real or imagined — First Amendment rights come under enormous pressure. We're seeing that today in increased calls for censorship, unprecedented levels of book banning, and attempted erasure of LGBTQ+ identities and expression.

The ACLU of Delaware stands firmly in defense of free speech and the critical role it plays in empowering our communities. The free exchange of ideas enriches and improves the lives of everyone, especially those most marginalized and disenfranchised by systemic inequality. From developing resources to keep people educated about their First Amendment rights, to extensive legal battles to uphold the constitutional guarantee of those rights —  our work to protect freedom of speech and the invididuals who exercise that freedom is unending.

*Data from the ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom and the Movement Advancement Project

Legislative Priorities

A.Legislative Priorities


Priorties: Privacy

The rapid expansion of digital surveillance and collection of sensitive personal information poses a serious threat to individual privacy and civil liberties. In Delaware, we must protect sensitive personal information and ensure it cannot be weaponized against our communities.

During the 2025 legislative session, we are advocating for the Delaware General Assembly to pass legislation to: 

  1. Protect non-HIPAA covered, privately held health information from being used in attacks on or prosecutions of health care, including reproductive and gender-affirming health care. 

  2. Expand the Shield Law to explicitly protect individuals and providers from federal and out-of-state actions seeking to restrict reproductive or gender-affirming care.  

  3. Ban reverse warrants that enable unconstitutional government surveillance of anyone in a certain location during a certain time or who sought certain information through online searches.  

  4. Close the data purchasing loophole by prohibiting government entities, including law enforcement, from bypassing warrant requirements by purchasing personal data from data brokers or collectors. 

  5. Prohibit the use of state resources, information, and personnel to assist in anti-civil rights federal actions to protect immigrants, abortion access, access to gender-affirming care and First Amendment-protected rights.

Our Priorities

Know Your Rights

A.Know Your Rights



When you know what the law says, you can better protect yourself and your community. Our Know Your Rights work will help you learn more about what your rights are, how to exercise them, and what to do when your rights are violated. 

View KYR pages


You can work alongside us and your fellow Delawareans to make sure our civil liberties are protected. Please use this form to request materials for your community outreach work if you reside or work in Delaware

Request KYR materials


Interested in hosting a Know Your Rights training? Our Know Your Rights trainings provide valuable information to help you understand and protect your rights in various situations, such as demontrations and protests, interacting with law enforcement and more.

Request a KYR training




Urge Gov. Meyer to Protect Delawareans' Civil Liberties

Governor Meyer has already demonstrated strong leadership when it comes to pushing back against policies that endanger immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, those seeking reproductive healthcare, and students.  

We need you to send a message to Governor Meyer thanking him for his commitments thus far and urging him to immediately issue an Executive Order refusing to cooperate with any action by the federal government’s that could deny Delawareans their constitutional rights.  

Send a message