All of Delaware’s students deserve a safe, equitable, and proficient education.
Yet schools in our state and across the country have a long way to go before that vision becomes a reality. Violations of students’ rights, historic underfunding of public schools, systemic racism, and violence in schools are all-too-common occurrences behind school walls. Our education work focuses on tackling those injustices to help make schools in Delaware everything that we know they can be.
Through advocacy and direct service in schools, our education campaigns work to ensure all children receive the learning environment that they deserve. We challenge inequitable and unfair funding. We fight to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline so that our education systems open up doors of opportunities, instead of putting kids behind bars. And we protect the rights of all students — especially students of color, students with disabilities, students who are English language learners, and students who live in often-ignored zip codes.