Lobby Day at Leg. Hall

June 20, 2018 @ 11:30 am

It's the last two weeks of the Legislative Session in Dover. Now is your chance to join the fight for Smart Justice reforms to reduce mass incarceration, Education Equity for our young people, and Economic Justice for working families. 

We'll be advocating for bills on bail reform, adult expungement, school-level funding transparency, paid family leave and funding for basic special education services in kindergarten through third grade.

We'll start by gathering on the East Side Steps of Leg Hall at 11:30 am, followed shortly after by a press conference at noon. Kathleen MacRae of the ACLU-DE, Kate Parker of DCJ, and Eugene Young from Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League will speak at the press conference. Wear red to show your support for these issues!

After that you can meet with your reps and let them know why these issues are so important to you! We strongly recommend knowing who your representative and senator is and making a meeting with them before the lobby day.

Whether you've come to advocate many times before, or this is your first time, this Lobby Day will have a place for you! 

ACLU of Delaware, Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League, and Network Delaware (and you!!!)
Dover Lobby Day for Smart Justice and Educational Equity
Gathering at 11:30am and Press Conference at Noon
East Side Steps of Legislative Hall (411 Legislative Ave, Dover, DE 1990)
Delaware Public Archives Parking Lot (121 M.L.K. Jr Blvd N, Dover, DE 19901)
Network Delaware at (302) 464-0149 and info@thenetworkde.org for more info