Delaware Premiere: From War to Wisdom

April 3, 2017 @ 7:00 pm
April 4, 2017 @ 6:45 pm

From War to Wisdom

A stunning new documentary about veterans helping veterans. From War to Wisdom follows an elite group of Marines who survive the war in Iraq, and the challenges of returning home, and find new ways to serve veterans on the home front.

“Imagine an entire company of Marines, the greatest fighting force on earth, all dedicated to doing good for the rest of their lives.” Josh Hisle (Director)

When the planes hit the towers on 9/11, 19-year-old Josh Hisle enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He and his fellow warriors stormed Baghdad, toppled Saddam Hussein, and spent years going from door to bloody door to fight the insurgency in Ar Ramadi. Many of his friends never made it home. Some joined the estimated 20 veterans who commit suicide each day. Others are locked in a daily struggle to find a place in civilian society. No one was unscathed.

After returning home, Hisle began playing music to deal with the pain. He was discovered by Neil Young, and thrived in the newfound spotlight, and the effect his music was having on other veterans. A powerful network began to develop, of Marines dedicated to helping other veterans heal and thrive, and Hisle felt compelled to tell the story in this compelling documentary.

For more information about the documentary and to view the trailer, go the the website.