Film: A Dream Deferred: Remembering the 1968 Occupation

February 19, 2015 @ 5:30 pm

Led by Dr. James E. Martin, UD professor emeritus of Black American Studies, this discussion will open with a viewing of the 2007 documentary, ‘A Dream Deferred: Remembering the 1968 Occupation,’ which presents a social, historical and cultural view of the conditions and events leading to the 1968 Wilmington Riots following the assassination of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Among the issues for discussion will be economic equality, poverty, discrimination, housing, education and urban development. The aftermath of the riot will also be a critical part of the discussion.

This is a DHF Speakers Bureau Presentation hosted by the Seaford Library and Cultural Center. For additional program details, contact the library (302) 629-2524.