Past Events

Death Penalty Repeal Rally & Committee Hearing

Join us outside Legislative Hall at 10:30 for a Rally for Repeal, where abolitionists from around the state will gather together to voice their support for repeal.  We will be joined by incredible speakers from across the country that are dedicated to seeing repeal in Delaware. 

April 24, 2013

Issues of Race and Innocence in Capital Punishment

Understanding who lives and who dies. On April 20, 2012, The American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware and Widener University School of Law will host a morning of panel presentations devoted to exploring two of the most pressing issues related to capital punishment: race and innocence.

April 20, 2013 to
April 21, 2013

NYT vs Sullivan Decided (1964)

Protects free press. This decision established the actual malice standard before press reports could be considered to be defamation and libel.

March 9, 2013 to
March 10, 2013

Presidents' Day

Celebrating the life and work of two of our country's greatest leaders, Presidents Washington and Lincoln.

February 18, 2013

Meet the Artist! Gallery Talk with Eunice LaFate

From October 4-February 10th, the Blue Ball Barn is hosting the newest exhibit of acclaimed local folk artist Eunice LaFate. Get a chance to meet Eunice and hear more about her unique works of art at this Meet the Artist event. Free with paid park admission.

February 4, 2013 to
February 10, 2013