Past Events

Sentencing Accountability Commission

The Sentencing Accountability Commission reviews Delaware sentencing policies, practices, and issues.

This meeting will take place in Conference Room #300.

November 15, 2013 to
November 16, 2013

How Art Transforms Law

Join Anne-Marie Rhodes of Loyola University for a fascinating presentation about the wide-ranging legal issues that relate to the art world.

November 7, 2013 to
November 8, 2013

LGBT History Month

In 1994, Rodney Wilson, a Missouri high school teacher, believed a month should be dedicated to the celebration and teaching of gay and lesbian history, and gathered other teachers and community leaders.

October 1, 2013 to
October 31, 2013

The Complexities of Color

Ankh Renaissance Corporation and University of Delaware Center for Black Culture will host a much needed conversation about race.

October 26, 2013 to
October 27, 2013

28th Annual Kandler Memorial Awards Dinner

Our greatest thanks to all who supported the 28th Annual Kandler Memorial Awards Dinner. Your participation made it a truly memorable evening and helps us continue to stand up for civil liberties throughout the state.

October 16, 2013

With Liberty & Justice For All


We were proud to honor Jeff Goddess, Janet Leban, and Governor Markell for their tireless efforts to support justice and equality for all Delawareans.
October 16, 2013

Speaker: Sister Helen Prejean

Sister Helen is a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph. She spent her first years with the Sisters teaching religion to junior high school students. Realizing that being on the side of poor people is an essential part of the Gospel, she moved into the St.

October 9, 2013 to
October 10, 2013