Past Events

Party with Us for Freedom & Justice!

Help us cross the finish line and celebrate the successful completion of the Longwood Freedom & Justice Challenge!

We’re just $5,000 away from our goal! Give today, and the Longwood Foundation will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.

Symposium on Dignity Rights & Environmental Justice

A symposium to explore environmental justice through the lens of human dignity. A diverse group of activists, policy-makers, jurists, practitioners, academics, students, and others will explore principled and practical approaches to advancing environmental justice in our own neighborhoods and more.

April 13, 2018 to
April 14, 2018

Rally for the Delaware ERA

We failed to adopt an Equal Rights Amendment at the federal level, so it's time for Delaware to step up. '

HB 299 will ensure that Delaware's constitution provides protection against discrimination based on sex, codifying our value of equality in the First State.

March 28, 2018 to
March 29, 2018

Delaware Citizens' Cannabis Lobby Day 14

Citizen lobbying is a proven and effective way to convince legislators to act. There are no voter initiatives in Delaware and the only way to legalize cannabis will be through an act of the Legislature. Here is what you can do to help Legalize Cannabis in Delaware in 2018:

March 27, 2018

Pardons, Expungements & Restoration of Rights Seminar

Presenters include local attorneys who will discuss eligibility for expungements, pardons, and other restoration of civil rights; the requirements for each process, including a detailed explanation of each step; and tips for a successful outcome.

March 24, 2018 to
March 25, 2018