Your Vote, Your Voice: Freedom Fund Dinner

September 26, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
September 27, 2015 @ 5:45 pm

Newark Branch NAACP invites you to attend their annual Freedom Fund Dinner, to be held on Saturday, September 26, 2015.  The event will be held at Perfect Lodge Saint David’s #1, AF&AM Inc, 1511 N. Claymont St., Wilmington DE 19802. The reception begins at 6:00 pm and dinner will begin at 6:30 pm.  This year’s theme will be “Your Vote, Your Voice”.

The keynote speaker this year will be Rick Deadwyler, a University of Delaware alumni, Newark resident and UD’s Director of Government Relations. Mr. Deadwyler is UD’s primary point of contact for state and local government officials, constituent groups and business leaders.

Awards will be presented to celebrate the call for justice and the exceptional efforts of so many within our community:

  • Education Award: Dr. Freeman Williams
  • Religious Award: Reverend Dr. Drewy Richardson
  • Community Service Award Business:  Newark Post
  • Community Service Award Organization:  Delaware Alliance for Community Advancement
  • Lifetime Community Certificate:  Pearl Blackwell, Jones Funeral Home, Eugene Petty and Abbott’s Shoes

For questions about the event or to obtain tickets, contact Morris Patrick Jr., or (302) 597-8544.
For more information: