Film: The People's Report

August 6, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
August 7, 2013 @ 6:45 pm

This documentary presents the audience with jarring statistics about physical violence, as well as social and economic inequalities prevalent in many Wilmington communities. The film explores several reasons behind the violence, such as oppressive environments containing abandoned buildings, lack of employment opportunities, and failing school systems, which left more than 40% of surveyed Wilmington adults without high school diplomas. It highlights Dr. Yasser Payne's and the Wilmington Street Participatory Action Research (PAR) team's study on physical violence and structural inequalities in Wilmington.

Dr. Payne will be taking Q&A after the film.

This event will take place in the meeting room adjacent to Rodney Chapel. Free adjacent-lot parking is available. For more information, call 302-656-2721.