ACLU-DE Strategic Plan 2025-27: Democracy is Solidarity

Friends and allies,

The past few years have presented immense challenges to our rights and freedoms, both within Delaware and across the country. But we know that when our democracy is threatened, it’s more important than ever to band together, educate each other, and strategize to protect our communities.

That is why the ACLU of Delaware has worked hard to establish a clear strategic plan that will guide us toward a more perfect union with the following goals:

  1. Protecting and expanding the right to vote;
  2. Reforming Delaware’s criminal legal system;
  3. Ensuring every child receives a fair and equitable education;
  4. Strengthing our engagement with Delaware communities; and
  5. Ensuring the effectiveness and accountability of our board and staff.

We are energized and optimistic about what is possible over the next three years. Thank you for your support in helping us make a more just and equitable Delaware.

In solidarity,

Mike Brickner
Executive Director, ACLU-DE

Ariel Gruswitz
President, ACLU-DE

Download the strategic plan