Rally to support Immigrant Kids and Social Justice!

June 8, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
June 9, 2018 @ 5:45 pm

Countless attacks on immigrant communities across the nation, families separated and lost and abused immigrant children have made it clear: we need to take action.

We need to raise our voices against they key actors who are carrying out Trump’s family separation order: ICE and U.S. Attorneys. ICE apprehends and separates families while US Attorneys enforce the separation in legal proceedings. We need to stand up against this incompetence and the moral abomination of family separation.

We're also demanding action from our representatives. It's time for elected officials in Delaware to stand up for immigrants, too.

Bring your friends, wheel your stroller on over and make your family's voice heard loud and clear, that #FamiliesBelongTogether.

This event is being organized by Network Delaware's Safe Communities Campaign and co-hosted by several community partners, including the ACLU of Delaware. Full list of co-sponsors to be announced.