People Power Kick-Off Meeting in Delaware

April 18, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
April 19, 2018 @ 5:45 pm

Please join us at our People Power Kick-Off Meeting in Delaware!

RSVP Here:

The right to vote, and to have one’s vote accurately and fairly counted, is a fundamental right of all Delawareans. However, our voting system is deeply flawed and there are numerous barriers to voting across the state:

• Our voter registration systems are outdated and cumbersome. They often seemed to be designed to prevent as many people from voting as possible.
• Elections are often poorly managed—the ballot is confusing, there aren’t enough polling places and lines are so long they discourage voting.
• Outdated voting machines fail to ensure a safe and secure vote.
• Felons who have served their time in prison are prevented from voting.

Often, these flaws in the voting system disproportionately affect people of color and alienate already marginalized communities from the voting process, which leads to an inaccurate democratic representation of the First State.

Our top focus for the “Let People Vote” campaign will be to urge Governor John Carney to allocate funding in his proposed budget for new voting machines. We’ll also be organizing around an early voting bill and taking part in voter registration drives across the state to make sure that every Delawarean who can register to vote has the opportunity to do so.

We need your help to break down the barriers to voting and make our democracy inclusive, accessible, secure and efficient.

We hope to see you on the 18th!