League Day in Dover 2016 - Access to Justice: Current Issues in Delaware's General Assembly

March 23, 2016 (All day)

Come learn, advocate with the League on 2016 Legislative Day on four key issues the League of Women Voters of Delaware and our cosponsors are addressing during the 148th session of our General Assembly:

  1. Bail Reform
  2. Pretrial Detention
  3. Minimum Mandatory Sentencing
  4. Solitary Confinement

The luncheon speaker is Honorable Chief Justice Leo E. Strine, Jr. He will report on findings of the Access to Justice commission he established to study these related issues. Enjoy lunch with fellow members and legislators, then visit Legislative hall with a volunteer, registered lobbyist to meet with your Representative or Senator to present position papers that express our views on each of these issues, and to attend committee hearing.
Other speakers include:

  • Sandy Spence, Advocacy Corps Chair
  • Alan Davis, Chief Magistrate, Justice of the Peace Court
  • Brian Bartley, Office of the Public Defender
  • Ryan Tack-Hooper, Staff Attorney, Legislative Counsel, ACLU-DE
  • Rep. J.J. Johnson, Chair, House Corrections Committee

Registration is $30.