REGISTRATION CLOSED. EMAIL [email protected] to register.
All Delawareans have the constitutional right to claim their innocence.
Wrongful convictions have far-reaching implcations that devastate lives, tear families apart, undermine trust in our criminal legal system, and disproportionately impact Black and brown communities. More than half of the 3,300 people who were exonerated between 1989 and 2022 are Black, despite the fact that Black people account for just 13.6% of the U.S. population. A 2022 report from the registry found that innocent Black people were seven times more likely to be wrongly convicted of murder than innocent white people.
Join us on Thursday, March 13 from 12 - 1 p.m. for a critical discussion on the urgent need to address wrongful convictions in Delaware, what can be done to fight for the release of those wrongly incarcerated, and how our state can take steps towards ending systemic biases and practices that perpetuate racial disparities.
Panelists include:
- Sophia Block, Community Engagement Manager, Innocence Project Delaware
- Jessica Auletta, Director, Case Intake and Investigations, Innocence Project Delaware
- Dwayne Bensing, Legal Director, ACLU of Delaware
Amicus Society members receive free CLE credit for attendance. Admission for attorneys who seek CLE credit but are not Amicus Society members is $50.
Attorneys who attend are eligible for one hour of Continuing Legal Education credit.
Registration is required to receive the Zoom attendee link. Zoom event will be recorded.
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