Ballot Power: Education Equity

August 15, 2022 @ 6:30 pm


In recent years, classrooms have become battlegrounds of national-level politics. As conversations ranging from COVID-19 precautions to textbook choices have taken center stage, the battles playing out in classrooms have proved to have consequences beyond classroom walls. The state of our education systems is directly connected to public health, incarceration rates, employment, economic success, and more. 

This election season, whether you have children in school now or not, supporting candidates who are committed to prioritizing education equity is more important than ever. Join us at a virtual training to learn more about what it means to vote to protect and expand education equity in 2022. 

This training will educate attendees on our Equity in Education policy priorities and offer actions voters can take to ensure that Delaware elects lawmakers who are prepared to lock in their commitment to supporting these measures. Our priority legislative issues include: 

  • Closing the funding gap;
  • Codifying the Ombudsperson Program; and 
  • Restorative justice programs.

Registration is required in order to attend this webinar. The webinar will be recorded.


This 4-part webinar series will be offered for continuing education (CE) credit through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Each one-hour webinar will be offered for one CE credit. Attendance will be taken at the end of each webinar. If you wish to participate for CE credit, please indicate so in the registration form. Your information will be shared with the National Association of Social Workers.