2024 VoteDelaware Questionnaire Responses: Representative Nnamdi Chukwuocha

Nnamdi Chukwuocha

View Representative Nnamdi Chukwuocha's responses below.

Education Equity

A.Education Equity


1. A recent independent report commissioned by the State of Delaware found that public schools across the state are underfunded by $600 million dollars and recommended increased per-pupil funding, transparency, and the flexibility to allocate resources. If elected what concrete steps would you propose to take to ensure districts close the funding deficit to provide a constitutionally adequate education?


I have long advocated for and will continue to push for education funding reform that addresses student needs including poverty. The AIR report lays the groundwork for the overdue changes to our antiquated unit count system. 

2. The Education Equity Ombudsperson program was codified into law last year without guaranteed continuing funding to ensure that the program is sustainable.  Will you support legislation to maintain the current annual funding of $1 million to support students statewide facing inequitable treatment? 


Immigrants' Rights

A.Immigrants' Rights


3. There are currently an estimated 5,000 undocumented children in Delaware living without access to basic healthcare services. This past session, the General Assembly failed to pass the “Cover All Children Act” which would have been a critical first step in developing a medical coverage program for children in Delaware who are not otherwise covered, including kids who are undocumented. Will you support legislation like the “Cover All Children Act” that ensures undocumented children are protected and cared for?  


4. Over the past few decades, many immigrants have chosen to make Delaware their home and have become vital members of our communities. Will you support increasing translation and interpretation services in government agency buildings and in public schools to help immigrants navigate the systems we all use? 


5. Currently, agricultural and domestic workers are exempt from state labor protections which means that workers in those fields, many of whom are immigrants and work dangerous jobs, are left with few ways to protect themselves. Will you support the removal of this exemption, so that all workers, regardless of their job, have the same protections?


Reproductive Freedom

A.Reproductive Freedom


6. In 2017, Delaware codified the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in state law to ensure the right to an abortion remained protected. However, these protections could be removed through a simple majority vote and signature of the Governor. Will you support a state constitutional amendment to explicitly protect peoples’ access to reproductive healthcare?


7. Black maternal mortality rates continue to increase in Delaware, with the gap in healthcare disparities widening. Will you support the creation of a Reproductive Healthcare Equity Fund that would support the additional costs of accessing reproductive healthcare for uninsured or underinsured people and fund the recruitment and expansion of the number of healthcare providers, including doula providers, in the state? 


Smart Justice

A.Smart Justice


8. Delaware’s probation system is broken. It does not provide the resources and support needed for successful reentry, while allowing for overly harsh punishment for minor infractions. Will you support legislation tailoring probation conditions to the needs and circumstances of the individual and restricting the use of incarceration when no new crime has been committed?  


9. Access to record expungement should not be determined by an individual’s economic circumstances. Will you support legislation removing fines and fees as a barrier to expungement eligibility? 


10. It is well documented that older incarcerated adults are less likely to commit new crimes if released. Will you support legislation that would expand compassionate release for older incarcerated adults? 


Voting Rights

A.Voting Rights


11. The Delaware Supreme Court recently upheld Delaware’s early in-person and permanent absentee voting laws, but the laws remain vulnerable to future legal challenges. Will you support protecting early in-person and permanent absentee voting through a constitutional amendment? 


12. As of 2022, felony disenfranchisement affected 7,721 voters in Delaware. 2,965 of these people were disenfranchised while on probation or parole and 1,360 were disenfranchised even though they were not incarcerated or on probation or parole. . Voting allows people to remain connected to their communities and helps facilitate the re-entry process. Will you support a constitutional amendment allowing all people to vote as soon as they leave prison? 


13. Will you support a constitutional amendment allowing for same-day voter registration? 


14. Will you support a constitutional amendment allowing for no-excuse absentee voting?